Dark ShestakUI

Dark ShestakUI



  • This modification is based on ShestakUI 5.0.7
    Quote from Shestak:

    ShestakUI is a modular, lightweight, all-in-one overhaul for the World of Warcraft interface. It aims to streamline and clean up the interface, removing unnecessary frills and wasted space as well as fill in some of the holes left in the default UI.

Main changes from the original UI:

  1. Classcolor changed to dark grey color how primary color.
  2. Minimap moved to topright corner, all elements around minimap moved, too.
  3. Changed defaults, positions of some elements.
  4. ToolBar: blue button left click - toggle loot chat, right click - LootHistoryFrame, red button - damagemeter, green - CombatLogging.


  • Screen resolution - All resolutions above 1280 pixels horizontally.
  • Screen mode - Full screen.


  1. Delete/backup your current UI.
  2. Copy all from archive to your World of Warcraft folder(WoW\Interface\AddOns\).
  3. If you have a DBM: In game use slash command /settings dbm.
  4. For install optional addon: Copy all from archive to your World of Warcraft folder(WoW\Interface\AddOns\).


  • Much useful information can be found here, because my UI is very similar to original ShestakUI.
  • All questions, suggestions and bugs you can write only here.
  • Все вопросы, предложения и замечания вы можете оставить здесь.


  • Original ShestakUI site link.
  • Dark ShestakUI thread EN|RU.
  • GitHub link.
  • WoWInterface link.
  • Change Log link.


  • Shestak for Original UI link.
  • WMZ405297142694
  • WME230710806384
  • WMR577517817205
  • WMU318441713382
  • Yandex 410011392302852
  • Игровое золото: Занштек - Ясеневый лес


  • AcidWeb, Aezay, Affli, Ailae, Allez, ALZA, Ammo, Astromech, Beoko, Bitbyte, Blamdarot, Bozo, Caellian, Califpornia, Camealion, Chiril, CrusaderHeimdall, Cybey, Dawn, Don Kaban, Dridzt, Duffed, Durcyn, Eclipse, Egingell, Elv22, Evilpaul, Evl, Favorit, Fernir, Foof, Freebaser, g0st, gi2k15, Gorlasch, Gsuz, Haleth, Haste, Hoochie, Hungtar, HyPeRnIcS, Hydra, Ildyria, iSpawnAtHome, Jaslm, Karl_w_w, Karudon, Katae, Kemayo, Killakhan, Kraftman, Kunda, Leatrix, m2jest1c, Magdain, Meurtcriss, Monolit, MrRuben5, Myrilandell of Lothar, Nathanyel, Nefarion, Nightcracker, Nils Ruesch, p3lim, Partha, Phanx, pvtschlag, Renstrom, RustamIrzaev, Safturento, Sara.Festung, SDPhantom, Shestak, Sildor, Silverwind, SinaC, Slakah, Soeters, Starlon, Suicidal Katt, Syzgyn, Tekkub, Telroth, Thalyra, Thizzelle, Tia Lynn, Timmy2250, Tohveli, Tukz, Tuller, Veev, Villiv, Vladinator, Wetxius, Woffle of Dark Iron, Wrug, Xuerian, Yleaf, Zork.


  • Aelb, Alwa, Baine, Chubidu, Cranan, eXecrate, F5Hellbound, Ianchan, Leg883, Mania, Nanjiqq, Oz, Puree, Sakaras, Seal, Sinaris, Spacedragon, Tat2dawn, Tibles, Vienchen, Wetxius.

Thanks to:

  • Michael aka Shestak, Wetxius - for their work, Yakodzuna - for idea, Forgotten Brothershood guild from Ashenvale EU - for company and raiding :)