


WOW Addon DataTracker

DataTracker is a WOW Addon to track looted items and fighted units in an ingame database. The data can be used later for a graphical UI to search for items or units.

The resulting database is saved to a lua file which could be also imported to a website to build a nice looking Website out of it.

To show or export the data, find the file DataTracker.lua in your interface directory:


The addon was developed in WOW Shadowlands. Compatibility with Classic is not guaranteed.


The addon is available on CurseForge

You can also install it manually, by downloading one of the release packages and copying it to your addon path. Thats usually /_retail_/Interface/AddOns

Database Structure

The structure of the resulting file will look like bellow.

DT_ItemDb = {
	[<Item ID>] = {
		["nam"] = <Item Name>,
		["qlt"] = <Item Quality>,
DT_UnitDb = {
	[<Unit ID>] = {
		["zns"] = {
			[<Zone ID>] = <Kills>,
		["kls"] = <Kills>,
		["clf"] = <Classification>,
		["nam"] = <Unit Name>,
		["ltd"] = <Looting counter>,
		["its"] = {
			[<Item ID>] = <Looting counter>,
		["cpi"] = {
			["l:38"] = {
				["min"] = <min copper>,
				["max"] = <max copper>,
				["ltd"] = <copper looted>,
				["tot"] = <total looted copper>,
			["l:39"] = {
			["_"] = {
DT_ZoneDb = {
	[<Zone ID>] = <Zone Name>,