DBM - Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Russian Countdown Pack

DBM - Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Russian Countdown Pack



This repository contains russian version of DBM-CountPack-HotS. Also it contains build scripts to make your own localized version of this addon.

Make custom mod

First make fork of this repository and clone it.

Extract resources

You need to extract localized sounds. You can use CASCExplorer to do that. You need to extract that folder Root\mods\heroes.stormmod\xxxx.stormassets\LocalizedData\Sounds\VO where xxxx is code of your locale (for example enus). If you doesn't see xxxx.stormassets folder in CASCExploer then change locale in View -> Locale. Then place the VO folder in that repository.

Modify script

On second part open build.ps1 and change variables in start of file to yours.

  • $Lang used in creating folder and naming Lua function
  • $ExcludeList used to ignore some voices. For example "CloakenA", "LuchaA", "MurkyA", "Summer20A" are excluded because they doesn't have localized version in Russian locale. If you don't want any exclude just assign @() to it.
  • $Author - Your name that will be placed in TOC file.
  • $CurseProjectId - id of project on CurseForge. Set it if you want to publish your version of mod as separate project.
  • $WagoProjectId - id of project on Wago. Set it if you want to publish your version of mod as separate project.
  • $WowIProjectId - id of project on WoW Interface. Set it if you want to publish your version of mod as separate project.


Just run build.ps1 in PowerShell

Make localized names (optional)

If you want to make localized names in interface you can do it. Make all of previous steps. Then run Make-NamesCsv.ps1 -Lang xx (replace xx with your $Lang variable value) in PowerShell. It will make file names.csv. Edit the second value in each row. After that rename it to names_xx.csv (replace xx with your $Lang variable value). After that run Make-LuaScript.ps1 -Lang xx (replace xx with your $Lang variable value).


On this step you can just copy new folder DBM-CountPack-Hots-XX into your addon folder of World of Warcraft to use it.

Building mod and publishing

This step is required if you want to publish your mod on GitHub, CurseForge of Wago. Commit all changes and place tag with version. It will trigger the GitHub Action workflow that uses WoW Packager