Death Note

Death Note


Death analysis tool.

Death Note records the events preceding a death and presents them to you in a comprehensible manner. If you have used Acheron before, this addon has been inspired by it.

How to use

  • Check the data capture options in the interface panel and make sure that you are comfortable with the default settings.
  • To view the recorded deaths, use the option in the right-click menu of a unit frame. Or, if you have a LDB display, you can also open the Death Note frame from there.

Not so obvious stuff you can do:

  • Right-Click on the list of deaths to change the ordering.
  • Drag a column separator to move it.
  • Click on a time or health column to change its display format.
  • Click on a spell or source to highlight all occurrences of that spell or source.
  • Control+Click on a spell or source to add that spell or source to the list of filters (removing all the lines with that spell or source).
  • Right-Click on a line to send a report to a chat channel starting from that line.
  • Shift+Click on a column to paste its contents to the chat edit box.
  • Control+Mouse wheel to change the frame scale.

Chat commands:

  • /dn or/deathnote - opens main window
  • /dn reset - wipes all data

Bugs and feature requests

Please use the ticket tracker at WowAce to report bugs and make feature requests.

Remember that the purpose of combat log analysis tools is to help you understand what happened, not to find someone to blame