DeathNotifier Master

DeathNotifier Master


DeathNotifer Master is an addon that insults specific players as they die in raids and dungeons while keeping track of their total deaths

Created by Ubz on Mograine EU


  • /dmn - Shows all the commands available
  • /dmn on - Enables the announcer
  • /dmn off - Disables the announcer
  • /dmn add <player name> - Add the player DMN will watch
  • /dmn say - Announces total deaths of player tracked in say
  • /dmn party - Announces total deaths of player tracked in party
  • /dmn raid - Announces total deaths of player tracked in raid
  • /dmn guild - Announces total deaths of player tracked in guild
  • /dmn test - Tests the addon
  • /dmn reset - Resets the death counter
  • /dnm dc <number> - Changes the death counter

Feel free to recommend more features/insults in the comment section on Curseforge