Death Wish!


Death Wish! is a full featured rotation helper for warriors, intended to help improve DPS by displaying the most relevant abilities at any given time. It is similar in concept to Enraged, however, it incorporates a number of features that improve upon Enraged's core functionality:

  • Predictive Calculations: Death Wish! attempts to determine what the state of the game will be when your abilities are ready, not just in the immediate moment. This doesn't just refer to cooldowns, but rage generation as well.
  • Scriptable Priority Queue: Your priority queue need not follow a pre-ordained and finite set of abilities. Each step of your rotation is individually customizable, and can account for various buffs and calculate some simple logic.
  • Additional Diagnostic Info: Death Wish! doesn't just show you what you should be using, it tells you exactly why you should be using it.
  • Modular Design: Don't need a feature? Just disable it! Death Wish!'s individual components can be disabled separately from the core.