- 0
Incorrect item tooltip in mythic+ end of dungeon window
#699 opened by jammer - 2
Overlay and Background don't match the Bar when using Bar Start After Icon
#700 opened by Elitesparkle - 0
Missing localisations for "Mythic Dungeons" Menu Options
#701 opened by jrsmile - 0
Icon Size Offset isn't applied to the first row on login/reload
#702 opened by Elitesparkle - 1
Bar Icons occasionally don't use the Custom Texture File
#703 opened by Elitesparkle - 4
Wrong dropdown popup in wotlk
#704 opened by Cabro - 0
Lua error on login
#708 opened by Slackluster - 0
Lua Error when login as warlock
#709 opened by jisamcom - 0
popup font not applied on first row.
#712 opened by jisamcom - 0
I get 2 Binding.xml LUA errors when I log onto my Ret Paladin...
#710 opened by Motowatch - 4
Details Light
#718 opened by someolguy - 1
details stopped working after mythic+ instances
#716 opened by ys3250 - 1
[Cata] One Segment Battleground creating errors
#721 opened by trey-k - 1
Cata Classic - Lua error calling GetTalentInfoByID when it doesn't exist
#717 opened by lordblackadder - 1
'Always show me' doesnt work on some characters
#722 opened by bunster - 0
WoW Classic Era Update - Version 1.15.2
#723 opened by maximus210793 - 1
LUA error on login in 10.2.7: bad argument #1 to 'SetJustifyV'
#725 opened by brittyazel - 2
SetJustifyV("center") changes to "middle"
#727 opened by SpareSimian - 0
lua error
#734 opened by cyberbook78 - 1
Summiraly Dispatched tooltip doesnt redner correctly
#731 opened by Ikerstreamer - 4
Enhancement Request: Add to Blizzard "AddOns Button Drop Down"
#738 opened by JPEscher - 2
Lua errors on battleground
#739 opened by Ivankonoiko - 0
Some text bug in Rus client
#736 opened by BigBont - 3
Lua error when selecting color picker in WeakAuras
#737 opened by crossfactioninstancedpvp - 0
Buff Refresh for Augmentation Evoker
#740 opened by Elitesparkle - 2
DetailsEndOfMythicLootFrame CATA/Classic
#742 opened by Andyauk - 2
Cata and Classic error startup
#758 opened by Andyauk - 4
issue on cata with latest alpha
#754 opened by Andyauk - 0
Buff uptimes are not working properly on Tww beta
#757 opened by Zac-oihfdwrrtuinvbcp - 10
In Cataclysm Classic Dungeon Finder instances and only inside them, the player's hunter pet's damage is not attributed to the player's damage, but other hunters' pets' damage are attributed to their owners' damage
#759 opened by AlexFolland - 6
Interupt, cooldowns not showing all players
#762 opened by u2cn - 3
Deaths not showing cooldowns on right
#763 opened by JoeTruelove - 1
Lua error only on some classes
#767 opened by KPhelMadd - 1
Plugins need TOC update for Cata
#768 opened by OrceMaceski - 1
Lines 68-70 of startup.lua are setting camera distance to max on every game launch - intentional?
#770 opened by Tograblah - 0
Plater Integration Font
#773 opened by Quaantt - 1
Flagged WLK support but actually not available on WLK
#778 opened by EKE00372 - 2
Totally down after creating custom statistic code
#782 opened by gfhfhoo - 4
11.0.0 Pre-patch errors
#783 opened by reiyooki - 5
I get GetPetNameFromCustomSpells every 3-4 seconds.
#785 opened by emrediga - 7
[Error] 'spellCooldownInfo'
#786 opened by itsSinba - 1
Lua error when zoning in/out of BGs and arenas
#788 opened by JeeveStobs - 3
Feature request: allow details screen to appear in front of wow UI
#791 opened by Lana-L - 0
LUA Error on entering "The Nighthold" Raid
#792 opened by fubaWoW - 2
Garrison Table is greyed out.
#793 opened by dailytabs - 6
Cata: playerclass.lua:294 & container_actors.lua"]:204 & playerclass.lua:407 Errors
#794 opened by evilgodly - 4
Details sporadically fails to detect damage
#796 opened by Travestii - 2
Details!: Streamer addon is missing
#797 opened by davidmann4 - 0
Github Action trigger causes release on every commit
#799 opened by AySz88 - 4
Oddly, halts the tutorial buttons for the Garrison Mission table
#802 opened by RobA2