



Detox filters out toxic chat messages so you can decide if you want to read them. Click on the Detox notification to show a filtered message, or turn off notifications entirely and remain blissfully unaware of flaming teammates!

Detox is powered by a machine learning AI model that provides live chat filtering capabilities, built directly into the add-on. Effectiveness may be reduced with profanity / mature language filter enabled.

Screenshot 1
Example toxic chat 1

Screenshot 2
Example toxic chat 2

Never have your day ruined again by an unprompted whisper saying "you suck!" after a dungeon, raid, battleground, or arena match.


  • Whitelist players so their messages are never filtered
  • Friends and guild members are automatically whitelisted
  • Enable/disable filtering on certain channels, e.g. Guild chat
  • Choose between strict and lenient filtering
  • Hotkey to show hidden messages (default is Ctrl-G)
  • Throttle mode blocks barrage of toxic messages

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the sender know their message was filtered?
No, the player who sent the toxic message is not notified and remains unaware that they were blocked. As such, the sender is unlikely to try evading the Detox filters.

Q: Is my chat history kept private?
The AI model that analyzes chat messages runs entirely on your own computer within the WoW game client, so your chats are never sent anywhere, nor are they recorded by Detox.

Q: What is Throttle Mode?
If a player sends multiple toxic messages in short succession, Throttle Mode temporarily blocks and hides all of their messages (regardless of toxicity). It is designed to stop harassment from severely toxic players who may spam their victims repeatedly.

Q: I don't want to see the Detox notification, how do I hide toxic messages entirely?
Type /detox to bring up the options menu, and uncheck the 'Show Notifications' setting.