DFT Display

DFT Display


With this Addon you can use a DFT List together with group loot.

One Raidmember needs to Import their DFT Data with /dft like you normally would do it for tooltips.
Then you have to use /dftdisplay sync
You are then sharing the the Prio Data to your whole raid.

You have to use this Addon together with Group Loot.

Every player that has a Item on his Prio get's a Loot Frame if it drops.

DFT Display Frames

You can need an Item if you are on the first prio. For everyone else the need Button is disabled.
If everyone with a higher Prio then you passes, your Need Button will be enabled.

Be aware: The normal Loot Rolls from your UI will not be disabled!

With the "Remove my Prio!" Button, you can let your Raidlead know, that you dont need the Item anymore.

After every raid the Lootmaster/Leader needs to use the /dftdisplay export command. You will then get a list that you can export to your DFT Loot Sheet, just like any other dropped loot.

If you only want to display loot you have on your prio, you can use the internal Blacklist.

With /dftdisplay noprio you get a list of all Item IDs you don't have on your prio.
You can copy that list to your internal Blacklist you open with /dftdisplay blacklist
Here you can also enable an auto pass for that items with an configurable delay.