DiabolicUI Chat Mover

DiabolicUI Chat Mover


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Currently broken for retail! Since the chat frame movement have been moved into the EditMode, this plugin is broken in retail until I can work around this and reimplement my own movement system.

This is an extension for the RPG inspired custom user interface DiabolicUI that adds movement and resizing to the chat frames, something not usually allowed there. This extension requires DiabolicUI to be present.

The features in this DiabolicUI extension were requested by the YouTube streamer Mortalhordewarrior!

Current Features

  • Allows unlocking and movement of all chat windows.
  • Stores the window positions in the addon, not the game client, meaning your setup will follow DiabolicUI, but not any other UIs you toggle too. Note that using other chat addons or resetting the chat using Blizzard's interface will cause positions to be saved to the game client. Using multiple competing addons to do the same thing, is not an incompatibility, it's a user choice.

Upcoming Features

The following features are not yet available!

  • Font family selection supporting sharedmedia.

Chat Commands

  • /resetchat - Resets the size and position of the primary window.
  • /resetchat all - As above, but also docks any currently floating windows.