


DiceMaster is an addon for World of Warcraft that allows players to integrate tabletop systems and "D20" dice-rolling combat in roleplay with a wide variety of customisable features.

Custom Traits
Players can design custom, character-specific traits to represent their unique abilities, spells, and bonuses. You can add custom actions to your traits, inspect other players' traits, and even link them in chat.

D20 Notation Rolls
Using the Dice Panel (or the /dice command), players can roll in standard D20 notation with multiple dice, up to 13,476 sides, and a custom modifier. Even group members without DiceMaster can see these rolls!

Health & Resource Bars
Players can track character health and other custom resources with intuitive status bars. You can choose a different look for this resource, inspect other players' health and resources, and more.

Custom Items
Players can create and trade custom items with a variety of on-use actions. You can also buy and sell custom items in your shop in exchange for custom currencies.

Unit Frames
The Unit Frames module allows Dungeon Masters (DMs) to create unit frames for monsters and NPCS, complete with a custom model and backdrop, health bar, and much more.

For more information on how to set up DiceMaster or use its specific features and functions, please refer to the official Using DiceMaster Guide.

DiceMaster is created and maintained without profit for free use; however, donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to help support the addon’s longevity. If you wish to pledge your support, please send all contributions via PayPal.

*A special thanks to Rennae - Moon Guard for their help writing essential code for DiceMaster and bringing it to CurseForge!