


I have left wow, this is no longer under support. Inquire if seriously want to maintain. 

Report bugs and issues at https://github.com/lownignitus/DingAnnouncer/issues

Suggestions or Input for Author? Contact via https://twitter.com/lownignitus

This addon allows you to announce to a set chat channel when you level up. It can also be set to announce when you are 25%, 50%, and 75% completed of a level. It can also announce % to next level at same set increments.

Options are accessible through interface options frame. You can turn addon on or off, Select which chat channel to announce to, turn on percentage reporting, or change percentage reporting to amount left on a level.

Can also report to a second channel optionally.

The chat channels currently set up for reporting are:

  • Guild
  • Party
  • Instance
  • Say
  • Yell
  • Local
  • Trade

To use slash commands type /DA followed by:

  • auto  -- to toggle auto announce functionality
  • advert -- to toggle addon name in announce
  • report  -- to manually announce level &/or Percentage
  • options -- to open addon options
  • info -- to view current build info

/da /dingannouncer /DingAnnouncer also work as starters for slash commands

On the todo list:

Code optimization.