Dispatch - Spells and Buffs

Dispatch - Spells and Buffs


Dispatch v1.1

Dispatch allows the user to send an alert to another player to ask them to cast a spell on you (the alert is displayed where the Raid Warnings are displayed). If the spell you have requested from the player is on cooldown then you are sent an alert stating the remaining cooldown of the spell requested. Dispatch allows you to request a spell from another player.

The addon requires both players to have the addon to be installed to receive and send requests/alerts.


  • Request other players to cast a spell on you
  • Ignore requests from specific players
  • Able to track when a spell is casted on you

Examples: /dispatch requestspell <Target-Realm> <Spell Name>

/dispatch requestspell Priest-SomeRealm Power Infusion

/dispatch requestspell Priest-SomeRealm Pain Suppresion

/dispatch requestspell Druid-SomeRealm Innervate

/dispatch requestspell Mage-SomeRealm Time Warp

It is suggested that you put the spell request command in a macro and press it whenever you need the spell (while in combat)

This will send a chat message and a "Raid Warning" only to the Target.

i.e. YourName-YourRelam has asked you to use Power Infusion on them.

i.e. YourName-YourRealm has asked you to use Innervate on them.

The addon will work for any spell that the player knows, it will not work when asking a Death Knight to give you Pain Suppression and the Death Knight will not receive an alert. The addon will also allow you to track when certain spells are casted on you. When a spell you are tracking is casted on you, an alert will be sent to you stating the spell name.

Example Alerts:

i.e. Power Infusion!

i.e. Pain Suppression!

Examples: /trackspell <Spell Name>

/dispatch trackspell Power Infusion

/dispatch trackspell Pain Suppresion

/dispatch trackspell Ice Bound Fortitude