"No professions learned" when Archaeology is not trained
b-morgan opened this issue ยท 5 comments
The message "No professions learned" should be "No profession learned" because it repeats for each profession a character doesn't have (see the second image below on a level 1 character).
I'd rather see "No First Profession", "No Second Profession", "Archaeology unlearned", "Fishing unlearned", etc.
I removed the "s" (and made the change also to the Curseforge translations tool), but I forgot to push the change out to Github before I pushed out the new version tag :(
It'll come with the next update I'll tag out. Maybe I have time to rethink/redo the whole missing professions output by then.
This quick fix is now in game, I'll do the final decision how to handle this at later date. I'm leaving this issue as open so I don't forget.