DMF Quest

DMF Quest


Reature request: Autobuy ride ticket book and autoloot ride tickets

drewkeller opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Thanks for this addon! I use it all the time.

After doing the professions quests, I still go to the faire in order to get the WHEE! buff for reputation or experience. It's kind of annoying that I have to buy a Ride Ticket Book for the ride and then have to open my bags to open the container in order to get the Darkmoon Ride Ticket before going on the ride.

So what I'm proposing is...

  1. Show a count of Darkmoon Ride Ticket (81055)
  2. Auto purchase Ride Ticket Book if needed, when visiting the vendor*
  3. Auto loot the ride tickets out of the ride ticket book so I don't have mess with my bags to do this
  • Wowhead shows lots of IDs for the ticket book, but Kae Ti is showing 92794 in the game for me.

I'll add this to my "I'll see what I can do" -list