DMF Quest

DMF Quest


Feature request: Check whether other characters have completed DMF profession quests

drewkeller opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I did a quick check and it doesn't look like this addon uses SavedVariables so maybe it just caches the current character in memory. But it would be nice to be able to check which characters have not done their profession quests without having to log on to each one.


Not saying I'm never going to do this, but at the moment I don't see myself putting this anywhere near the top of any of my todo-lists.

Out of curiosity, are you thinking marking characters as "done" after they have completed

  • All of the tracked activities and profession quests
  • All of the tracked profession quests
  • Some/any of the tracked activities or profession quests
  • Some/any of the tracked profession quests
  • Something else?

Also would you wipe the list after DMF ends or save some kind of timestamps of completion and check against that?


Not saying I'm never going to do this, but at the moment I don't see myself putting this anywhere near the top of any of my todo-lists.

Completely understandable :)

Out of curiosity, are you thinking marking characters as "done" after they have completed....

Now that I have bought everything I'm interested in buying from the faire (a long time ago), I really only go there for two reasons....

  1. WHEEE! buff
  2. Professions quests for extra skill points / knowledge points
  3. Yeah, I know I said two reasons... I do also go there for easy experience from the professions quests when I'm leveling a character (I'm there anyway for the XP buff)

Also would you wipe the list after DMF ends or save some kind of timestamps of completion and check against that?

I guess I was picturing it exactly like the interface you have now except with a way to make it show a different character's data. Essentially just save the data when a character does their stuff. Once DMF is over, I don't particularly care about it since the chance to do the quests is gone, so it could be wiped at the end or reset at the start or timestamped until that character's next time around.