LUA error in Autobuy
dblanch369 opened this issue · 2 comments
Well I have seen this pop up today, on my Evoker. Went to hit up my usual vendor for Autobuy, and got a LUA error, see below. A couple of notes....
Does not have Archeology profession (most of toons do)
I had grey items in my bags that wanted to Autosell, but did not Autobuy.
Subsequent attempts to talk to the vendor, repeat the LUA error. I did a /reload and it did not fix it.
Here is the output from BugSack.
4x DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua:1419: attempt to index local 'prof' (a nil value)
[string "@DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua"]:1419: in function `AutoBuyItems'
[string "@DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua"]:569: in function <DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua:565>
self = DMFQuest {
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itemButton5 = Button {
itemButton4 = Button {
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