DMF Quest

DMF Quest


DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua:58: attempt to get length of global 'PROFESSION_RANKS' (a nil value)

Cosinusoida opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Bug grabbed with BugSack on WoW (v11.0.0.55939)

3x DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua:58: attempt to get length of global 'PROFESSION_RANKS' (a nil value)
[string "@DMFQuest/DMFQuest.lua"]:58: in main chunk

ns = <table> {
 L = <table> {
L = <table> {
 Profession_NoItemsNeeded = "No items needed"
 Config_ExtraFeatures_HideLow = "Hide low skills"
 FrameTitle_Pinned = "(Pinned)"
 Config_Frame_Pos = "%sPosition"
 Config_Misc_UseTimeOffset_Desc = "Time offset tries to correct the difference between your local time and realm time.
This offset is used to improve the detection of start and end times of Darkmoon Faire."
 ChatMessage_AutoBuy_Total = "Total:"
 Config_Activity_ShowItemRewards_Desc = "Show rewards for turn-in-item in item-tooltips in DMFQuest Frame."
 Config_Activity_TestYourStrength_Desc = "Show %s -quest for this months Darkmoon Faire in DMFQuest Frame."
 Quest_QuestNoItem = "No %s in your bags"
 Config_ExtraFeatures_HideMax_Desc = "Hide professions from DMFQuest Frame if your skill is maxed."
 Config_Frame_FrameLock_Desc = "Lock DMFQuest Frame to prevent dragging from the title bar."
 Config_Frame_TintingColor_Desc = "Change the color of the DMFQuest Frame."
 ChatMessage_Slash_Syntax = "Syntax: /dmfq (config | pin | reset)"
 Config_Activity_FadedTreasureMap_Desc = "Show %s (one time quest from item) in DMFQuest Frame."
 ChatMessage_Login_DMFWarning = "Darkmoon Faire is available!"
 Config_Misc_TimeOffsetOff = "Offset Off"
 QuestTitleFix_FadedTreasureMap = "Faded Treasure Map"
 Config_GroupHeader_Frame = "Frame Options"
 Config_Misc_TimeOffsetValue_Desc = "Select how many hours the time is offset to match the Darkmoon Faire's start and end times to your local timezone."
 Config_Frame_TintingColor = "Change color"
 Config_Activity_ShowItemRewards = "Turn-in item rewards"
 Config_Frame_FrameLock = "Lock position"
 Config_Frame_GrowDirection_Desc = "Change the direction DMFQuest Frame grows.
%s - DMFQuest Frame is anchored from BOTTOMLEFT corner.
%s - DMFQuest Frame is anchored from TOPLEFT corner."
 Config_ExtraFeatures_AutoBuy_Desc = "AutoBuy buys quest items automatically from vendors while Darkmoon Faire is available and DMFQuest Frame is visible."
 Config_Frame_Pos_Desc = "Change DMFQ Frames %sPosition."
 QuestTitleFix_TestYourStrength = "Test Your Strength"
 Config_Misc_TimeOffsetValue = "Time offset"
 Config_Activity_PetBattle = "Pet Battle Quests"
 Quest_QuestReady = "Quest ready to turn in"
 Profession_NoProfessions = "No professions learned"
 Config_GroupHeader_ExtraFeatures = "Extra Features"
 Config_GroupHeader_AdditionalQuests = "Additional Quests and Activities"
 ChatMessage_Slash_PinningChanged = "Pinning changed to:"
 Quest_ActivityDone = "done"
 Quest_QuestDone = "Quest done"
 Profession_SkillTooLow = "Skill too low"
 Config_Misc_WithOffset = "With Offset"
 Config_Misc_UseTimeOffset = "Use Time offset"
 Quest_QuestReadyToAccept = "Click to auto-accept quest"
 Config_ExtraFeatures_AutoBuy = "AutoBuy"
 Config_Activity_PetBattle_Desc = "Show Pet Battle Quests in DMFQuest Frame."
 Quest_QuestNotDone = "Quest not done"
 Config_Frame_GrowDirection = "Grow Direction"
 Config_ExtraFeatures_HideLow_Desc = "Hide professions from DMFQuest Frame if your skill is low. You need at least %s skill points for quest to be available. This also hides all yet to be learned professions."
 QuestTitleFix_DeathMetalKnight = "Death Metal Knight"
 Config_ExtraFeatures_HideMax = "Hide maxed skills"
 Config_Activity_DeathMetalKnight_Desc = "Show %s kill for this months Darkmoon Faire in DMFQuest Frame."
db = nil
isFramePinned = false
minimumSkillRequired = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil

This is known issue, I'll look into it when I have time and PTR is up.


it's probably related to the fact that they changed the names of the constants and callings. SpellbookMicroButton became ProfessionMicroButton. Stuff like that.


They probably moved these to the Enum-table where they like to collect this kind of stuff. They move more and more stuff there between expansions and sometimes even major patches.


They probably moved these to the Enum-table where they like to collect this kind of stuff. They move more and more stuff there between expansions and sometimes even major patches.

Yeah I could not find anything about it anywhere and it was keeping DMF from loading. My quick fix for my end was to comment that out and hard coded a 75 in there for now so I could get stuff done. lol. It's not correct of course, as they are different sizes for max rank depending on the expansion, but at least I got it loading for now. Crude, but effective lol.


Version 3.0.4 should be working with both Retail and CataClassic version of the game.