DotFocus Features
DotFocus is DroodFocus continued!
Freely configurable Buffs / Debuffs tracker, energy monitor, combo points, power bar, player's healthbar, target's healthbar, player's manabar, threatbar, visual effects, cooldown on bars and icons for each spell, popup the icon of the ability whenever it becomes usable again, Buff / Debuff icon showing the remaining time on the debuff, the number of stack, the cooldown, timeleft for next tick for Dot, etc..., cast Bar, and much more.
Works for all classes (it has default configurations for feral/guardian druids, other classes can configure their spell lists manually).
Feral Druid
DotFocus is especially created for Feral Druid's special snapshot handling of Rip, Rake and Thrash. Keeping track of the snapshotted damage buffs with Tiger's Furor and Bloodtalons modifiers. It directly informs you, if a new bleed effect is stronger or weaker than the old one with a circle in the upper right corner of the debuff icon. The icons begin to blink, when you can overwrite them without loosing tick time (pandemic timers). Little dots at the bottom inform you, whether Tiger's Furor, Bloodtalons or Stealth were active when applying the dot.
The order of the dot indicators is from left to right: Tiger's Fury - Bloodtalons - Stealthed Rake
Command line
/dotfocus <arg>
- 'options' to open configuration panel
- 'configmode' to switch configuration mode
- 'reset' to reset configuration to default
- 'buff' or 'debuff' to see a list of actuals buff/debuff with spellID in chat