


# DragLink - World of Warcraft Cataclysm/Classic

## Overview

**DragLink** is a versatile addon designed to enhance your macro and spell management experience. This addon allows you to easily drag-and-drop spells, items, and pet spells into macros or chat for quick and seamless linking. Whether you're creating macros or inserting Conditionals/Commands, DragLink simplifies the process with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and tooltips that guide you through each step.

### Features

**Drag-and-Drop Support**: Easily drag spells, items, and pet spells into the macro frame or chat insert.
**Macro Creation**: Create macros directly from spells by dragging them into the macro frame.
**Macro Insertion**: Insert spells, items, and pet spells into existing macros.
**Chat Insertion**: Drag spells or pet spells to the Chat Insert button for quick chat linking.
**Tooltip Assistance**: Get helpful tooltips that display information when over the buttons.
**Spellbook and Macro Toggle**: Quickly toggle between the Spellbook and Macros.
**DragLink Macro Builder**: Read about that below.

### Usage

1. **Macro Creation**:
   - Drag a spell or pet spell from your spellbook and drop it onto the designated macro creation area.
   - A new macro will be created with the dragged spells name.
2. **Macro Insertion**:
   - Drag a spell, item, or pet spell and drop it into an existing macro.
   - The corresponding information (spell name, item link, etc.) will be inserted into the selected macro.
3. **Chat Linking**:
   - Open the chat window and drag a spell or pet spell to the Chat Insert button.
   - The spell will be linked in chat for easy sharing.

### DragLink Macro Builder

**Macro Builder -- Conditionals**:
1. **Conditions**:
- Full list of conditionals that you can select. Select as many as you want.
2. **Insert**:
- All selected conditionals will be inserted into selected macro.
3. **Spell Insert**:
- Drag a spell to the insert button and all conditions plus the spell will be inserted into selected macro.
4. **Second Spell**:
- Same as **Spell Insert** but swaps /cast with ;.
- Can insert second spell with or without conditions.
5. **Example**:
- 3 conditions selected will insert [condition1,condition2,condition3]
- 3 conditions selected with a dragged spell will insert /cast [condition1,condition2,condition3] Spell
- 3 conditions selected with second dragged spell will insert ;[condition1,condition2,condition3] Spell
- No conditions selected with second dragged spell will insert ;Spell
All inserted conditions and spells will be placed at the current cursor position in the macro text.
**Macro Builder -- Commands**:
1. **Commands**:
- Full list of commands that you can insert into your macros.
2. **Example**:
- Start Attack command will insert /startattack
All inserted commands will be placed at the current cursor position in the macro text.

### DragLink Conditionals/Commands Customization

This addon comes with an easy-to-edit file DragLinkData.lua Users can modify or add new conditions/commands to enhance the functionality of the addon. Detailed instructions are provided within the DragLinkData.lua file.
Two conditions you often use instead of checking each one every time: let's create a custom condition entry. Open DragLinkData.lua find DragLinkConditionsTable and add your custom condition.
Example Below: Combine as many conditions as you want serperate them with a comma ","
-- Conditions
DragLinkConditionsTable = {
--Add your conditions below
{ name = "My Custom Name", condition = "condition1,condition2", comment = "My custom condition" },

### Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out! The addon is designed to be lightweight, functional, and easy to use.