Dragon Unit Frames

Dragon Unit Frames


RingMe is a health and mana bar in perfect half circles along with a ring animation in the background that rotates which gives it a cool look and feel. There is a background and foreground in the RingMe.lua The Alpha is set at 0 and the reason why is I changed it over to WeakAuras2 for self and target. This is only the basic RingMe add-on by self. I have a UI pack at wow interface called Evil-UI There I have it set-up with WeakAuras2 with the artwork for the background and foreground. (You'll see what I mean) If you know lua code feel free to try and mess with the background and foreground on RingMe.lua to appear or not on target. At the moment if you do put the background or foreground to show it will always be there on a target or not. That's why I used WeakAuras2 instead. You will only see the segments when you download this add-on otherwise if you change it on RingMe.lua or download Evil UI pack on wow interface which has Circle-Cast on it as well. I would have the UI pack on CurseForge but cannot find the add-on Circle-Cast here.

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