A die roller and simple UI for the Dragoon20 system.
This is not a generic roller. The roll results are hard coded based on the success table this system uses.
To show or hide the entire UI type: /dd20 show
To show or hide the roller window: /dd20 roller
To show or hide the full sheet: /dd20 sheet
To access help type: /dd20
/dragoon20 also works as an alias for /dd20.
The Character Sheet
Before making any rolls, you should populate your statistics and other modifiers. The add-on automatically calculates the bonuses from Heavy Hitter and Manic Mender, so make sure to check the box for those Special Powers if you have them.
Click the Roll button next to an ability to roll an ability check with that ability.
Broadcast Channel - This selects which channel the rolls are broadcast to: raid, party, or only to you. The addon will automatically select the next lowest channel if you aren't in the right kind of group. If you have it set for raid and are only in a party, it will default to party. If you aren't in a group at all, it will always send to self.
Armor Type - This will cycle through the available armor types. This affects your dexterity checks, so make sure you set it to the correct value.
The Roller Frame
The roller frame has minimal automation. If will make a d20 roll of the appropriate type based on the modifier you enter in the box. It will not pull any values from the character sheet except for Heavy Hitter and Manic Mender. This makes it ideal for one off rolls with unusual modifiers or for players who would rather handle modifier calculations themselves. It shares its broadcast setting with the character sheet; changing it in either place changes it for the entire addon.