Dream Arrows Classic

Dream Arrows Classic


Dream Arrows Classic

Dream Arrows Classic

Set the color, size, style, and visibility of the minimap and world map arrows. For World of Warcraft Classic. A big THANK YOU to Pajlada for the pajminimaparrow addon which inspired this one and from which the base code started life.

Available Commands

  • /da help - show the help message listing available commands
  • /da color [amethyst, aquamarine, citrine, gold, jade, obsidian, ruby, silver] - modify the color of the arrows
  • /da flush - re-set the arrow textures
  • /da reset - reset to the addon defaults
  • /da size [1-40] - modify the size of the minimap arrow (e.g. /da size 20)
  • /da style [arrow, hollow, orb, tear, 3d] - modify the style of the arrows
  • /da wsize [1-40] - modify the size of the world map arrow (e.g. /da wsize 30)
  • /da toggle [0-1] - toggle showing the world map arrow (e.g. to hide the arrow use /da toggle 0)