Drill Sergeant

Drill Sergeant



If you're wandering around Mechagon aimlessly, looking for rigs and hoping it spawns the rare you need, then you need discipline! You need order! You need a drill sergeant to keep you in line!

This addon makes your drill wrangling in Mechagon easier in two ways.

First, Drill Sergeant will put the name of the rare that would be spawned in your tooltip when you mouse over a Broken Drill Rig. If you're too far from the broken rig, it will ask you to get closer so it gets an accurate ID.

What the tooltip looks like Tooltip when you're too far from a rig

Second, when a drill rig is completed anywhere in Mechagon, it gives a zonewide announcement. Drill Sergeant will tell you what rare is about to spawn and where to go to get it!

Chat message when a rig is completed

Bonus! When you mouse over a mushroom in Mechagon, it will inform you if it spawns the Fungarian Furor!

Good Mushroom Bad Mushroom

There's no configuration or settings; just install it and go!

Version Notes

Version 1 is the first general release. Version 1.2 is compatible with Dragonflight.

I've tested this add-on in a variety of situations, and it seems to work correctly in all of them. If you encounter any errors, PLEASE open a ticket here including the FULL error message. I also need to know what you were doing when the error happened.

Known errors


Future update plans

None! Let me know what you'd like to see in the comments section. Or for live support, visit my Discord server!

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash donations gratefully accepted at: 1Kyros6w6CHRFLXZCwhBPNTbRPUNJ35L97