Druid of the Flame


This is a simple addon that tries to enhance emersion by playing a sound when you do certain actions on a druid. The sounds are already in wow's libraries, and correspond to Majordomo Staghelm, Druids of the Flame, and various tiger, bear, and other creatures in the game. At the moment it only plays male voices, but it's on my to-do list to add female voices.

The addon gives a chance to play a sound when you do a number of different things, but it will never play more often than once every 5 seconds to prevent spamming you. Please see the demonstration video.

The addon loops crackling fire sounds in the background while you remain logged on to a druid character.

When you use [Fandral's Seed Pouch] or [Burning Seeds] it plays "The master's power takes on many forms!", "We call upon you, Fire Lord", or "Behold his Power!".

When you land a killing blow, there is a chance to play one of Majordomo Staghelm's/Druid of the Flame's "kill sounds", such as maniacal laughing.

Similarly, it plays voice-overs when you gain a speed or dps buff, and it also adds tiger/bear sounds (growls/snarls) to various cat and bear form cooldowns.

Please let me know if you have comments. I probably won't add much if any in-game usage, but probably improve it and add tweaks as needed.