DTM's Repair Enforcer


Automatically repairs any damaged items whenever you talk to a vendor with the repair ability to save you the bother of clicking the "Repair All" button. It then displays a message in chat to tell you how much the repair just cost. Will always try to use money from the guild bank if your guild allows it but otherwise uses your personal funds.

There are no options to configure.

Kinda pointless if you can remember to click the right repair button but handy if you're aiming for the guild "It All Adds Up" achievement and all your guildies are either too polite or too old to re-train themselves to press the guild "Repair All Items" button instead of the one next to it.

I know this is really basic but I've always wanted to publish something on Curse and all my other, more complicated, AddOns either don't work properly or never got finished. This is the first thing I've ever written that actually does what it's supposed to do without spamming LUA errors. Who knows, maybe this is the gateway to bigger and better things. My next AddOn will probably amaze you but, for now at least, this is all you get.