

DTweaks adds the following modules and you can configure what you want to use in the Interface Addons menu or type /dt in the chat box.

-- Adds some functions to Default Chat:
-- URL/Link Copy support and Chat Copy support.
-- More Font sizes choices.
-- Right click player name in chat to copy so you don't have to remember the ascii extended characters.
-- Scroll to Top/Bottom with shift key/Mouse wheel.
-- Alt click on player name in chat to invite to group.
-- Shorten channel names:
--- Guild = G , Officer = O , Raid = R , RaidWarning = RW , RaidLeader = RL
--- Party = P , PartyLeader = PL , PartyGuide = PG , BattleGround/Instance = I
--- BattleGroundLeader/InstanceLeader = IL , WhisperSent/BattleNetWhisperSent = to
--- WhisperRecived/BattleNetWhisperRecived = from , General = GEN , Trade = T , Looking For Group = LFG , LocalDefence = LD
-- Remove need to hold [alt] key down to move left or right with arrow keys in chat editbox.
-- NOTE: To use arrow keys Up/Down to move between chat history still requires [alt] key.
-- Set auto fade, disable tab blink, move edit box to top, and allow you to move chat box to edge of screen.

-- Adds ability to move most default Blizzard frames by left clicking and dragging.
-- Adds ability to resize most default Blizzard frames by left clicking title bar and holding ctrl key down and using the mouse wheel.
-- position is not saved resets to default position when you reload.

-- Shows:
--- Session Playtime with player status indicator (away, busy, available).
--- Player Coordinates.
--- Latency.
--- Money.
--- Lowest Durability.
--- Blizzard Average Item Level / (equipped only itemlevel color coded by quality).
--- Frames per Second.
--- Memory used by the Lua environment (addons).
--- Total Bandwidth used by the client (up+down).

-- Adds ability to move default bags and save between sessions.
-- Adds ability to scale default bags.
-- Adds display of BOA/BOE to backpack bags and bank.
-- Adds sort button for bags and bank.
-- Adds Search option for bags and bank to default bags.
-- Open all bags at bank when you talk to banker.
-- /dtbags allows you to scale all bags at once or reset back to default.

-- Auto-Repair all equipment @ repair vendor using Guild/Player funds.
-- Provide chat summary totals of repairs and source for funds spent.

-- Auto-Sell Junk @ vendor.
-- Provide chat summary totals of junk sold.
-- Add addition items to Junklist to auto sell @ vendor.

-- adds option to automatically switch reputation watch bar when you gain rep.

-- Auto type DELETE in popup confirmation window when deleting item from bag.

-- Adds castbar timer to bottom of default castbar.

-- Auto Highlight Highest Vendor reward when turning in quest and print selection link in chat.

-- adds target of target info to default tool tip.

-- loots with out the pop up loot window.
-- "If you hold the shift key while looting the pop up window will be displayed".

-- Allows you zoom camera out to max distance with the mouse scroll button.

-- Hides the default gryphons.

-- /rl (reload_ui) /rc (ready_check) /cr (check_role)
-- /lg (say "Thanks for Group" and leave group)