Dung - Classic Era LFG List

Dung - Classic Era LFG List


Contributors/Source: https://github.com/cr4ppy/Dung




/dung show


/dung hide

Reset Position

/dung reset

Filter dungeon

By name and difficulty seperated by commas in the search bar at the bottom, eg.

sp h, mgt, mgt h, kara, za, sethekk H, deadmines, zf

Any keyword used to trigger a dungeon in chat can also be used to filter in the list

Click post to whisper poster

Shift + Click to /who the poster

Shift + Click with chat window open to copy posters name to chat box

English only for now, plan on having German, Russian, Chinese, Spanish done very soon.
Only a one person project right now so reach of if you would like to contribute, we have a repo here: 
I plan on supporting the addon and adding updates and features for TBC and Season of Mastery.

Please report any issues or even feature ideas!

Planned features: 

  •  Settings for keywords + keyword locales 
  • Some sort of instance tagging or tracking with a notification.