Dungeon Locations (discontinued)

Dungeon Locations (discontinued)


Addon discontinued with WoW 8.0

I am not able to get it running after the breaking API changes in WoW 8.0

Locally I got a version running without any LUA errors but I still am not able to show the icons on the map.  Since most of the API changes that break this addon are undocumented I see no chance how to fix it.

So I decided to discontinue the development of Dungeon Locations.

As an alternative you may have a look at Handy Notes Dungeon Locations. Be sure to also install Handy Notes since it is needed to run.

It has fairly the same features to show icons on the world map. Just some detail information is missing (level, dungeon types, etc.)

Feel free to do what ever you want with the existing source code.

Thank you for using my addon so far and sorry for this decision.

Dungeon Locations

Dungeon Locations is a small addon that shows the location of dungeons and raids on the world map in the same way it is presented by the default UI since Legion.


  • Shows locations of dungeons and raids on world map
    • Shows basic dungeon information as
    • - Level range
    • - Difficulty (normal, heroic, mythic)
    • - Available player modes in raids (10, 25)
    • - Information about where you can find the entrance if it is not obvious
  • Opens the Encounter Journal for the raid or dungeon on click
  • Supports multilanguage (by default EN and DE, RU added in 1.3-beta)

Please use the issue tracker for bug reports or improvement requests. You may also suggest additional dungeon information to add to the tooltips.