Dungeon Maps - Classic

Dungeon Maps - Classic


All initial credit to Undeadguy at -> https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dungeonmaps

Sadly, it seems like they have stopped playing, or no longer support the Addon. I really like this addon, and I have decided to try and complete the project. 

This Addon uses the map data from retail that was bundled with Classic. However, it was never implemented, and some are incorrect due to changes in Retail dungeons. Due to this some maps have been given custom map images in the traditional style. In other cases where I cannot easily switch map, I will edit the maps together manually.


Due to the custom map files, this addon should be installed to the the following folder. (one up from Addons) 

~\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\


- Shadowfang Keep - New complete classic map.

- Deadmines -  New complete classic map.

- Zul'Gurub -  New complete classic map.

- Stockades - works.

- Onyxia's Lair - works.

Known Issues:

 - There is some conflict with battlegrounds that I have yet to address, but I'll fix those in a future update.

 - Some Maps don't unload on entry into new Dungeon (use /reload)

 - BWL hasn't been tested yet (will do so today).