have you ever considered uploading to wowinterface or curse?
Accuracyx opened this issue · 12 comments
If you are looking for an easier install you can copy the github URL link and use wowup to install from that link.
Hey, thank you for updating the addon!
Is this you on Curse? https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dungeon-tools before i go downloading.
Thanks again!
Hey, thank you for updating the addon!
Is this you on Curse? https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dungeon-tools before i go downloading.
Thanks again!
Yes it is
The add-on was reviewed while I was asleep. So, yes, it is!
Hold on to your hats, though; I still need to check how to do automated releases on there (I initially banked on using github actions to prepare releases, but curse has their own builder when it comes to fetched updates. I'll likely switch it to manual and build a GH action to upload remotely). For now, though, the releases are consistent.
You can use the BigWigs packager for this purpose - you already have a pkgmeta
file in the repo. You'll find a sample workflow which uploads to GH, CF and WoWI here.
You can also use ajour and install/update add-ons from GitHub repos.
In instawow I couldn't find it searching for dungeon tools, but it shows up with a search for curse:432055
Is this just because it's recently added and not discoverable yet?
Is this just because it's recently added and not discoverable yet?
Yes, the catalogue is updated once daily at 00:00 UTC.
Edit: I've pushed an update to the catalogue.