- 3
Saving Routes seems to not work
#18 opened by Mirokira - 5
Load correct sub-zone in instances?
#21 opened by jarxjarx - 2
Routes dont save
#35 opened by Gennoken - 3
Hide/Show Minimap button doesn't work
#36 opened by fludotlove - 3
Client don't see the addon
#37 opened by Androzavrus - 11
[FEATURE REQUEST] WeakAura or plater script that reads a route and paints an indicator on name plates of mobs required by the route
#40 opened by jmartin84 - 7
Unlinking mobs
#46 opened by hightin - 3
Cannot install the addon
#48 opened by MartinZAtanasov - 2
Bug: Issue with Skada?
#50 opened by spvi1011 - 8
Routes not saving
#51 opened by Path98912 - 0
Cant seem to install
#22 opened by Ziphe123 - 3
Not working D:
#24 opened by shaunpj - 1
Addon Not Popping Up In Game
#25 opened by Nelwin77 - 5
Release zip
#27 opened by boomboo - 5
ManBabyDungeonTools not loading.
#30 opened by Neparo - 4
Solution for unloaded enemy data
#32 opened by Zerrif - 7
Theater of Pain has no date
#33 opened by Accuracyx - 2
Version number in ManbabyDungeonTools.toc
#34 opened by ueberBrot - 2
Idea for Prideful.
#58 opened by derekmcghee - 4
How i can insttal it?
#61 opened by Hexix23 - 0
How i can install the addon?
#60 opened by Hexix23 - 0
How i can import the Data on the Addon? Help Please :(
#63 opened by Hexix23 - 4
DungeonTools conflicts with MDT
#65 opened by mbelsky - 11
He changed his mind
#66 opened by LordDeimos666 - 2
Read-only mode / use mid-dungeon
#67 opened by erigul - 1
QOL improvements
#69 opened by LennoxP90 - 6
Proper Changelog For Releases
#70 opened by ueberBrot - 5
Week changer behavior
#71 opened by madar2252 - 2
Marking the mobs
#72 opened by AmineMessabhia - 12
have you ever considered uploading to wowinterface or curse?
#52 opened by Accuracyx - 2
Halls of Atonement inspiring mistake
#77 opened by madar2252 - 4
lua error when clicking on enemies in a route
#78 opened by madar2252 - 0
Angry triangle is back
#79 opened by madar2252 - 13
Opening HoA/SoA does not work in v1.1.9
#83 opened by CalistusK - 2
Global namespace polluting
#85 opened by Dairyman - 2
Suggestion: Informations in the Nameplate or Tooltip
#86 opened by Rubyurek - 10
M+ Timer no longer shows percentage of current pull
#89 opened by redcatelf - 6
Discord server,Patron for DungeonTools?
#74 opened by MrJeffer - 2
Updating from ManBabyDungeonTools?
#75 opened by DosParkers - 2
Selecting other dungeon is broken
#91 opened by itsmeAnRa - 1
Sanguine Depths missing patrol routes
#93 opened by madar2252 - 1
Incorrect values
#97 opened by Skadthi - 1
Theater of Pain mob data
#98 opened by RazgulTraka - 0
Mob Data Percentage Tracking
#102 opened by chatterchats - 0
Opening DungeonTools during combat in arena causes errors
#103 opened by CalistusK - 2
Second floor of Necrotic Wake doesn't have a down button
#104 opened by cody-young - 0
QOL suggestion: Overlay on map
#105 opened by Alucard2112 - 0
LUA error when clicking on add pull
#107 opened by madar2252 - 0
Plaguefall new data
#108 opened by Alucard2112 - 0
9.1 Update
#112 opened by Alucard2112