


Dungeon Status

Dungeon Status is a small add-on that provides a small movable window showing the current status of you looking for dungeon status. It appear when you queue for events and disappears when you exit all queues. There is a button to close the window and it will stay closed until the server updates your queue.

The add-on also has integration with Data Broker (ChocolateBar, Titan Panel, etc) to provide extended information.

The add-on watches queues for:

  • Looking for group/Dungeons
  • Looking for Raid
  • PVP
  • Scenarios
  • Pet Battles

Main Features

  1. Shows the roles open and filled for you queue
  2. Shows the severs estimated time for queuing
  3. Shows the time you have been waiting.
  4. Show detail in data broker add-ons
  5. Hide status window (i.e. use data broker only)
  6. Configuration via WOW interface menu
  7. Monitors multiple queues simultaneously.
  8. Auto sizing status window.

Command Line

There are no command line options, use the WOW configuration interface.

Future Features and Bugs

Visit wow.logic-worx.com