Dwarvenizer/Trollinizer Classic (Continued)

Dwarvenizer/Trollinizer Classic (Continued)



IF YOU'RE ALLIANCE: Translates/mutilates your written word into something Flintlocke could've typed. Oh aye!

IF YOU'RE HORDE: Translates/mutilates your written word into something Sen'jin could've carved in a stone. Ya, mon!

I've tried to incorporate some randomness; play around with it a bit, type the same thing a few times, and you'll see what I mean.

Example (Dwarven slang -- /dwarvenizer):
"Ah, Loch Modan. Always a great sight for my old eyes. Everything so neat and tidy, and the few beasts around here... we'll be taking care of them in no time."
"Ah, Loch Modan. Always a great sight for me old eyes. Ev'rythin' so neat and tidy, an' tha few beasts around 'ere... we'll be takin' care o' them in no time."

Example (Troll slang -- /trollizer):
"Yes... I will kill you now."
"Yah, mon... I be killin' ya now."

Your mileage may vary, depending on your Dwarvenizer/Trollizer settings and randomness.

**Do you have recommendations!? Please either shoot me a message or comment below.**

When it's first loaded, it's in Dwarvenizer mode. To switch, type "/trollizer". If you want to switch back, type "/dwarvenizer".

Updated and Maintained by Haptik of Eternal Vigilance (RP) on Deviate Delight server (US)

Speaking of RP and Eternal Vigilance, we are recruiting! You'll want to reach out to Valorian. Be prepared to RP though (it's not all RP though - we like to have fun out of character as well)

- Coin donations are accepted and appreciated! Gnomes get no appreciation!

Original Author `carlos


Little background here: This was my favorite mod back in the beginning. My family gets a rating of about 96/100 for their ability to live 'in character'.  My personal score is about a 62/100.  This addon helped me boost that up to about 84/100! Once we all decided to play Classic, i started searching for this addon again. I found other versions that had been abandoned for a time.  I took up the mantle and reached out to the original author, `carlos.  He blessed the revival and here we are. I get to RP with my family like I was born to do it!



Slash commands (replace "/dwarvenizer" with "/trollizer" if you want to babble in Trollish):

- /dwarvenizer (prints an overview)

- /dwarvenizer chance [0-10] (set processing probability from 0 (never) to 10 (always))

- /dwarvenizer toggle (show which chat channels are processed right now)
- /dwarvenizer toggle list (same as above)

- /dwarvenizer toggle say (enable/disable vincinity chat (say) channel processing)
- /dwarvenizer toggle whisper (enable/disable whisper processing)
- /dwarvenizer toggle channel (enable/disable general channels (general, trade etc. - channels 1 to 4) processing)
- /dwarvenizer toggle party (enable/disable party channel processing)
- /dwarvenizer toggle guild (enable/disable guild channel processing)
- /dwarvenizer toggle yell (enable/disable yell processing)
- /dwarvenizer toggle raid (enable/disable raid channel processing)
