wow classic new characters esc from cinematic, lua error
mooreatv opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Bug Report for DynamicBoxer vX.YY.ZZ
2020/09/09 13:04:50 -0700 @project-abbreviated-hash@
submitted from slash command
Session messages log:
DynamicBoxer bug report open: Please submit on discord or on or email
45.37 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Got slash cmd: "b"
66.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Not showing token exchange UI because we're now disabled ("Showing the exchange token UI after % sec as we still haven't reached a master (will autohide when found)")
64.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Not showing token exchange UI because we're now disabled ("Showing the exchange token UI after % sec as we still haven't reached a master (will autohide when found)")
62.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: ExchangeTokenUI "Thibaul-Blaumeux y x 1"
Showing the exchange token UI after 5 sec as we still haven't reached a master (will autohide when found)
61.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Whisper to "Thibaul-Blaumeux", ret=true
61.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: IsInOurGuild("Thibaul-Blaumeux") with 0 in cache: nil
61.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Checking in party with "Thibaul-Blaumeux" -> "Thibaul" : false
61.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Classic sync and team incomplete/master unknown, pinging master "Thibaul-Blaumeux" - nil
61.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Sync #3 called for slot 2 our fullname is "Kathrag-Blaumeux", maxIter is now 1 firstMsg=0
61.42 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: ShowBigInfo: Hiding
59.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Whisper to "Thibaul-Blaumeux", ret=true
59.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: IsInOurGuild("Thibaul-Blaumeux") with 0 in cache: nil
59.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Checking in party with "Thibaul-Blaumeux" -> "Thibaul" : false
59.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Classic sync and team incomplete/master unknown, pinging master "Thibaul-Blaumeux" - nil
59.59 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Sync #2 called for slot 2 our fullname is "Kathrag-Blaumeux", maxIter is now 2 firstMsg=0
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: w 2426.0971679688 h 242.33924865723 s 3.6972961425781 1.9718914031982
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Setting base texture 516949 - height = 0
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Set font for height 120 : true
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: base font is "Fonts\FRIZQT__.ttf"
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: w 1365.3333740234 h 768 s 1 0.53333336114883
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: ShowBigInfo: Creating
57.90 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: ShowBigInfo
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Set initial inv count to 1
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Creating Options Panel
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Classic sync, first time, increasing msg sync to 2 more
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Whisper to "Thibaul-Blaumeux", ret=true
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: IsInOurGuild("Thibaul-Blaumeux") with 0 in cache: nil
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Checking in party with "Thibaul-Blaumeux" -> "Thibaul" : false
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Classic sync and team incomplete/master unknown, pinging master "Thibaul-Blaumeux" - nil
Trying most recent same realm and faction master "Thibaul-Blaumeux", for direct message sync.
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Sync #1 called for slot 2 our fullname is "Kathrag-Blaumeux", maxIter is now 0 firstMsg=1
DynBoxer running on classic. This is slot 2 and dynamically setting ISBoxer character to "Kathrag-Blaumeux"
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Localization not found for "DynBoxer running on classic. This is slot % and dynamically setting ISBoxer character to %"
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Prefix register success true in dynamic setup
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Running on classic, no channel addon comms, no channel joining but guild/party comm
MoLib embedded in DynamicBoxer / DynamicBoxer @Project-Version@ / 1 running on WoW classic v1.13.5-35753
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Delayed init called
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 5 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 5
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 4 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 4
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 3 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 3
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 2 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 2
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key 1 (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Called slotInfo 1
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key "fullTeamInfo" (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: # Restoring t1[1 = "BOTTOMLEFT", 2 = 1291.0345458984, 3 = 904.82763671875] 1.4500000476837
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key "enabled" (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Adding watch for key "slot" (table t1["AddWatch" = function])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Called slotToText 2
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Status frame background color t1[1 = 0.1, 2 = 0.2, 3 = 0.7, 4 = 1] -> "FF1933B2"
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Set Pixel Perfect w 2560 h 1440 scale sx 0.82051286697388 (sy 0.82051281399197) rect t1[1 = 0, 2 = 0, 3 = 2560, 4 = 1440.0001220703]
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Creating Status frame
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: OnPlayerEnteringWorld "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" , true , false
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Unique team string key is "slot1_classic slot2_classic slot3_classic slot4_classic slot5_classic", updated in history, expecting a team of size #5
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Team map (sorted by longest orig name first) is now t1[1 = t2["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Kathrag-Blaumeux", "orig" = "slot2_classic", "new" = "Kathrag"]] - size 1; reverse index is t1["Kathrag-Blaumeux" = 2]
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Team map initial value = t1[2 = t2["slot" = 2, "fullName" = "Kathrag-Blaumeux", "orig" = "slot2_classic", "new" = "Kathrag"]]
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Found isbteam to be t1[1 = "slot1_classic", 2 = "slot2_classic", 3 = "slot3_classic", 4 = "slot4_classic", 5 = "slot5_classic"] and my index 2 (while isb members is t1[])
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Parsing FTLAssist macro "/targetexact [nomod:alt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]slot1_classic;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]slot2_classic;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]slot3_classic;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]slot4_classic;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]slot5_classic
" on key "BACKSPACE"
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: GetMyFQN "Kathrag" , "Blaumeux" - "Blaumeux"
57.58 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: Hooked LoadBinds()
56.93 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: On ev "UPDATE_BINDINGS" , nil
53.81 DynamicBoxer DBG[1]: On ev "UI_SCALE_CHANGED" , nil
DynamicBoxer vX.YY.ZZ by MooreaTv: type /dbox for command list/help.
MoLib aliased into DynamicBoxer
Message: Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:83: attempt to index local 'widget' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Sep 9 12:58:28 2020
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:83: attempt to index local 'widget' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:83: in function `OnCancel'
Interface\FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua:4345: in function `StaticPopup_Show'
Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:351: in function `ExchangeTokenUI'
Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:334: in function `ShowAutoExchangeTokenUI'
Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxClassic.lua:280: in function <Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxClassic.lua:275>
Locals: widget = nil
_data = nil
(*temporary) = DynBoxer {
HideTokenUI = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:354
VerifySecureMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:583
base28 = <table> {
RealmAbbrev = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:292
debugPrint = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:147
EventHdlrs = <table> {
bugReportMaxEntryLen = 600
StatusResetPos = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxUI.lua:794
Warning = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:163
scaleUp = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibUI.lua:42
manualTeamSize = 0
refresh = 2
securePastThreshold = 200
HexDump = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:481
TextDeCompactor = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibConv.lua:127
GetMyInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:430
ToHex = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:498
StartBugReport = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DynamicBoxer.lua:1500
base28inversed = <table> {
autoInviteSlot = 1
isClassic = true
serializedMemberHistory = <table> {
optionsPanel = <unnamed> {
measure = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:1006
hugeFont = DynBoxerHuge {
ReplaceAll = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:626
SetSaved = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:857
numInvites = 1
bugReportKeepFirst = 25
roundUp = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibUI.lua:27
RgbToHex = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:172
disablePopUps = false
DrawCross = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibUI.lua:958
ShortHash = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:526
ISBH = <table> {
testPerfGlobal = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:990
GetRealRealm = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:265
deepmerge = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:28
StandardFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibUI.lua:1346
Dump = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:345
name = "DynamicBoxer"
InPartyWith = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DynamicBoxer.lua:461
ConvBenchMark = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibConv.lua:321
TableDemo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibUI.lua:783
Print = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLib.lua:73
PartyInvite = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DynamicBoxer.lua:777
TeamIsComplete = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DynamicBoxer.lua:1065
AspectRatio = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\MoLib/MoLibUI.lua:1051
ProcessMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxClassic.lua:387
L = <table> {
SortTeam = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DynamicBoxer\DBoxClassic.lua:348
statusXl = <unnamed> {
EMAsync = <function> defined @Int