DynamicMacros for PvP

DynamicMacros for PvP


Have you ever experienced annoying manual overwrite of Player Names inside Macros (/cast [@PlayerName] Regrowth ) when you swapped people with whom you played ?

!!! Yes, this is the solution to automatize it and never overwrite your macros manually again !!!


This addon dynamically changes PlayerNames inside user defined macros to name they would want to change it manually before entering arenas. To make this work I enhanced blizzard macro language and it has a little different syntax as default macros which will be explained later in documentation.

Addon will be loaded whenever number of players in party is 2 or 3. In every other scenario addon will do nothing. Addon is developed for PvP only and therefore PvE requests to enhance addon will be most likely ignored.

This addon is developed for DPS classes because Healers are using @party1/2 targeting macros and this would be worthless for them.

SoloQueue is fully supported and therefore in case protection paladins have been present in soloQ they will be considered as healers in DynamicMacros addon. Other tanks than protection paladins will be considered as damagers in DynamicMacros addon.

Addon will not work in 3v3 arenas where team compositions are: (Healer + prot paladin + anything)

Just stop playing tank in PvP nobody wants you.

To see full documentation how it works and how to use it go here: https://github.com/ado21/DynamicMacros

To report issue or suggest new feature go to Issues tab