Ease Play - 轻松游

Ease Play - 轻松游


Skill suggestion addon with your own rules. 技能循环推荐插件。

Easy to use, easy to customize. 容易定制的技能循环插件。

Support skill suggestion, consumable suggestion, target suggestion, emergency alert, interrupt alert, ... 支持技能提示,消耗品提示,目标提醒,紧急提醒,打断提醒等


Core addon for ease play. Manage rules. 轻松游核心组件,策略管理。

Learn to write a rule with Ease Play: 学习如何编写自己的策略:

  • 查看轻松游网站https://easeplay.vip/ 查找及时更新的策略和策略编写说明。
  • Watch "Examples" directory in EasePlayCore to see rule examples
  • Watch RuleGramma-*.md to see how to write your own rule (it's quite easy!)


Display overlay on action button and party/raid frame and nameplates. 在动作条、小队/团队框体、姓名版上显示动画提醒

You must enable both addon, then import some rule for your class/specialization/dungeon to take effect. 你必须要启用两个插件,并且导入对应职业/专精/地下城的策略才能生效。

  • 简中玩家欢迎加交流QQ群:114691268