X Tranq Manager

X Tranq Manager



Finish to do a macro and take a spot in your action bar, this addon can announce auto if you Hit or Miss the target, just spam Tranquilizing Shot & that's all ! : D

Summary :

  1. Pictures
  2. Description
  3. How to
  4. Extra
  • Picture :

  • Description :

This addon will allow us to do the following things:

Announce if our tranq shot has to affect its target or missed him by quoting the next hunter in tranq. Send a whisp to the next Hunter if have failed so that it tranqshot immediately or to warn him that the next shooting is has he and that he have to get ready. If we have an assist raid, it will put a skull mark on the next hunter who owe tranq shot.

You can configure the hunter after you, Send or not whisp and choose on which channel you wish to announce it(Emote, Say, Yell, Party or Raid)

You need English or French WoW Client

  • How to :

Type /xtranq for know available commands & actual settings set. Type one of the following command in chat : /xtranq config or /xcktranq config for Open the UI Menu. Target the Hunter after you for TranqShot & Select the channel for Announcing.

Then press Save & Close, That's all! : D

Plus, if you want you can edit the Messages Announced for each event :)

  • Extra :

You can Unequip/Equip your weapon Auto with the following command : /xtranq switch(this can be done on some fights like Nefarian on Call Hunters)