πŸ––οΈ Easy friends list

πŸ––οΈ Easy friends list


🀟️🀟️🀟️🀟️I'm always thirsty. Grab me a beer! 🍺️

----  What is it ?  --------------------------------------

List contact, BNET and ingame, guildies or not...
Use LBD or use /woezfriends or /friends or
/wf !!

You can make group by adding # follow by the name of group you want.
like # Friends will make your contacts in a group called "Friends"

----  OPTIONS  ----------------------------------------

option : /wf alpha XX
XX has to be a number betwen 0 and 100 (0 is no transparency)

LDB Guildies list/wf guildies
Show / Hide guildies's list in LDB text (only if you use it...)

Minimap button/wf icon
Show / Hide button on minimap

BNET Tag side :  /wf btagtoggle
Switch side for Bnet tag to left or right side

- You can add a keybind to show/hide pannel in general option [ Echap > keybinds > Other
- if you've got Raider.io addon, it will show score in front of note

- Left click to whisper bnet or ingame contact (if online)
- Right click will open menu or Guild pannel for user
- Shift Left click will invite contact to your group 

----  PANNEL  -----------------------------------------

----  LDB DATA  ---------------------------------------

- Will show how many Friends / guildies are on line and list of guildies ..
- Button to open/hide pannel

Issues : Click here to submit bug !