



Basic WoW addon to summon random mount

When I'm in a location that does not allow flying (the Maw, Korthia, etc), I want to use ground-only mounts. This addon tries to help with that. It defaults to using Favorites as the source of mounts.

  • When in a location that allows flying, it will choose from flying mounts.
  • Calling the addon while flying will not do a dismount
  • Calling the addon while mounted on the ground will dismount


To summon mounts, simply create a Macro with default command:


Additional console commands

  • Enable all mounts as source for summons

    /easyrider all

  • Enable only favorite mounts as source for summons

    /easyrider favs

  • Shut up Easy Rider

    /easyrider quiet

  • Let Easy Rider say stuff when mounting

    /easyrider chatty

  • Check what source is being used, all or favs

    /easyrider src