Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Expands Blizzard's Edit Mode to allow other frames to be moved, too.

There are two parts to this addon:

1. EditModeExpanded: The addon itsself, which currently supports moving various parts of the base UI not already supported by Edit Mode
2. EditModeExpanded-1.0: The library, which can be imported by other addons, to allow the other addon to make itsself movable in Edit Mode
Currently supports:
1. Moving custom frames around during Edit Mode (Anything you'd like to move around that Blizzard didn't already highlight in Blue during Edit Mode!)
2. Saving the location of custom frames moved during Edit Mode, and restoring that location during login
3. Splits the Menu Bar from the Backpack Bar so they can be moved separately

4. Resize custom frames, save and reload the custom size
5. Save settings per Edit Mode profile (currently just saves per character)
For other addon developers - Usage Information:
1. Embed the library as you would any other library
2. Use LibStub to request the library, for example:

local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary("EditModeExpanded-1.0")

3. During an ADDON_LOADED event, or later - at any point after Saved Variables have been loaded, register your frame by calling this function:

lib.RegisterFrame(frame, localizedName, db) 

frame - this is the Frame you want to register to be moved and resized in Edit Mode
localizedName - this is the name of the frame you want to appear over the frame when selected during Edit Mode
db - this is an empty table somewhere in your saved variables where the library can save size and position information about your frame between sessions.
License: The Library portion of this Project may be included, used, and distributed in your addon, provided you credit me as the author of the work.
