Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Target Cast Bar

teelolws opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've attempted to include this frame, but unfortunately it seems Blizzard has code that moves it back to just under the Target Frame again. The position is based on how many buffs your target has, and is constantly being updated. This means moving the Target's Cast Bar is not simple, and may not even be possible.


That's too bad. I guess it's the same with the focus cast bar in that case then?


Looking at the macro I use for moving my target and focus cast bars it seems the function Blizzard uses is just the .SetPoint function. The macro seems to override this with just an empty function:

/run FocusFrameSpellBar:ClearAllPoints();FocusFrameSpellBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", FocusFrame, "TOPLEFT", 37, 0);FocusFrameSpellBar.SetPoint = function() end;FocusFrameSpellBar:SetScale(1.4)

Your macro replaces the SetPoint, which is risky. Blizzard code will be calling that, and since you've blanked it out, you'll be tainting Blizzards execution. I need to be certain that taint won't lead to any "action blocked" errors before I can use it.

Another problem: once we've blanked out SetPoint, we can't... unblank it again until a /reload. That means the player won't be able to go back into Edit Mode to move it.