Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Chat box buttons support

teelolws opened this issue ยท 2 comments


For chat box I'd like to hide buttons like Social, Chat Channel, Chat Bubble. Maybe be able to copy links. Definitely hide that terrible Quick Join crap! Possibly the text box on top.

Did you look more into why the default bag is so high up and can't be moved to bottom/edge of screen? I simply hate having several addons just for one thing.

Originally posted by @Piskemannen in #103 (comment)


For simplicity, I'll lump these into the same option "Chat Button" and I'll disable the box by default.


This will do for now. I'm having some issues with the Social button moving back to its default position during edit mode, I'll tackle that some other day.

May get issues with the buttons reappearing when supposed to be hidden. If this happens, try and find a consistent method that always makes them reappear so I can address it.