Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Possible to re-add minimap resizing via this addon?

Lunaeria opened this issue · 12 comments


Quite a few updates ago, the minimap-resizing functionality for this addon was removed, with the suggestion to use the game's default resizer. However, this addon resizes the whole minimap cluster, including any frames parented to it, which the game's default resizer does not.

Up until recently, I've been able to preserve this functionality simply by copying a chunk of code from an older version and pasting it into the .lua file of the new version of the addon. However, with the 10.1-036 update and onwards, the file structure of the addon has changed significantly and now this method no longer works.

I'm currently using version 10.1-035 of the addon (with aforementioned code changes), and I'm sad that I cannot update lest I lose this functionality.

I was wondering if it was possible for minimap resizing to be re-added to the addon, with perhaps a toggle or something along those lines so that anyone who prefers to use the game's default resizer can do so.

Thank you!


Which older version are you using?


Nope, it was all just one edit box as normal! Very odd. If it proves to be trouble re-implementing this feature, please don't worry too much about it. I can make do with the older version of the addon! Thank you so much for being willing to help, though.


I'm currently using a modified version of 10.1-035.

In EditModeExpanded.lua, I've changed a section of the code (lines 578 to 593) and reverted it to a significantly older version. I'm not sure which version number it was, unfortunately, but it was the version just prior to the removal of the minimap resizing functionality.

Here is the code I am currently using:

if db.EMEOptions.minimap then
            C_Timer.After(1, function() lib:UpdateFrameResize(MinimapCluster) end)

            local isDefault = true
            local elpA, elpB, elpC, elpD, elpE = ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton:GetPoint(1)
            lib:RegisterCustomCheckbox(MinimapCluster, "Square",
                    isDefault = false
                    ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MinimapCluster.MinimapContainer, "BOTTOMLEFT", -10, 0)
                    -- don't change it to circle if it is already a circle from the last login
                    if isDefault then return end

For comparison, this is what the code in an unmodified copy of version 10.1-035 looks like:

if db.EMEOptions.minimap then
            local isDefault = true
            lib:RegisterCustomCheckbox(MinimapCluster, "Square",
                    isDefault = false
                    -- don't change it to circle if it is already a circle from the last login
                    if isDefault then return end

Yeah I can add it. As with resizing the menu bar, it will mean you'll have two resize bars for the Minimap, so I'll be leaving it off by default. I'll put the standard option to turn it on accompanied by a warning not to use both resize bars.


If you go into the addon's options, and turn this option on, it will separate the border buttons (map/addon compartment/name/tracking/calendar button/etc) and the expansion button from the Minimap, so resizing the Minimap won't resize them anymore:

If you find something else being resized by MinimapCluster let me know. However, if it comes from another addon I probably won't be able to stop it.


I'll fiddle around with these settings, but really the main reason I hold on to this addon for minimap resizing is because I actually have a couple of non-default things parented to the minimap; the micromenu, a WeakAura, the vehicle exit button, and two buttons added by kgpanels.

Using the older version of this addon's code (that still has minimap resizing implemented), resizing the minimap—in this case, to be slightly smaller!—would also resize all of those frames alongside it.

Not sure if this is a functionality in the current version, but if it is, then I do apologise for the trouble!


In 10.1.5 Blizzard restructured how the Minimap works. Now, the default one we see in Edit Mode is MinimapCluster, which contains within MinimapContainer, BorderTop, and ExpansionLandingPageButton.

MinimapContainer now contains Minimap.

BorderTop now contains the map button, tracking button, and such.

Can you identify which one of those the buttons you mentioned are parented to?


They're parented to MinimapCluster!


Okay. Tinkering around with adding back Minimap, I can't find a way to avoid having two selection boxes for it during edit mode if I do this. Is that what you had when you used an earlier version?



Okay I think I have it. The default UI gives us options for MinimapCluster, but the resize bar actually resizes MinimapContainer, so it doesn't affect the buttons around it.


Give this push a try. You'll have to go into options and turn it on:


Just tested it right now and it works perfectly! Thank you so, so, so much!!