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Player special bar does not stay in place. [Conflict with EasyFrames addon]

Maximos7 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Hello. In a collision with Easy Frames addon (im certain cause i tried with only these 2 addons enabled) the Player special bar (DK runes etc) does not stay in place when moved. Ofc i tried the option to unlink them from the player unitframe but again at the moment i move the runes it resets to the default potision under the player unitframe. If i dont enable EF then it works as intented. Could you pls fix this? Thank you!


Ty for the reply. So, if i do this ''In Core.lua at line 253 just after function Core:MovePlayerPowerBar(), adding if true then return end stopped it happening'' you think it will work?


Only one way to find out!


Yes! It works! I did it like this and it moved and stayed there ^^. Hope EF author fixes it :)
function Core:MovePlayerPowerBar()
if true then return end


Its the code in EasyFrames\Modules\Core.lua inside function Core:MovePlayerPowerBar() doing it. The code is moving the power bar slightly from the game's default to a position that works around that addons slightly different shape and size. The addon doesn't come with an option to stop moving it and I can't stop another addon from doing something.

In Core.lua at line 253 just after function Core:MovePlayerPowerBar(), adding if true then return end stopped it happening. Ideally the author will add an option to disable that function properly.


I don't have easy frames installed and i have the same problem.
Mostly with dk runes.


I don't have easy frames installed and i have the same problem. Mostly with dk runes.

Does it happen with all other addons disabled?


Jesus, since it was only dk rune power i didn't think to look into other addons.
I had Moveit moving the rune power bar. Sorry and ty.