Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


PartyFrame error

ChloeMarie opened this issue · 8 comments


3x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'EditModeExpanded' tried to call the protected function 'PartyFrame:SetPointBase()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:485: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:485>
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetPointBase' [string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeSystemTemplates.lua"]:138: in function SetPoint'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:1164: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua:1162>
[string "=[C]"]: in function secureexecuterange' [string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:1168: in function InitSystemAnchors'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:963: in function `UpdateLayoutInfo'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:258: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua:250>

_ = Frame {
RegisterEvent = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
0 =
UnregisterEvent = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
SetScript = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
events =

ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
PLAYER_LOGIN = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:551
LUA_WARNING = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:566
ADDON_LOADED = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:511


Trying to replicate this error but cannot. I can see it happens when you change talents or respec. No errors here when I do that, though.


I am also receiving an error relating to Party Frames. I blew out my WTF and Interface folders before adopting this addon in preparation for TWW. As far as I know, the only other hook into the party frames comes from FrameColor. Encountered while in Dungeon Finder, leveling an alt, just playing normally. Not interacting with the frames. If it matters, Raid-Style Party Frames was not enabled.

4x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'EditModeExpanded' tried to call the protected function 'PartyFrame:SetPointBase()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:485: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:485>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetPointBase'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeSystemTemplates.lua"]:138: in function `SetPoint'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:1183: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua:1181>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `secureexecuterange'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:1187: in function `InitSystemAnchors'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:863: in function `UpdateLayoutInfo'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:160: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua:152>

_ = Frame {
events = <table> {

Those errors are suggesting you're changing a talent point while in combat. How are you doing that?


I'm not. Perhaps it has something to do with the Starter Build suggestions? No idea.


I wonder if its triggering when someone else in your group changes a talent while you're in combat.


Okay I've recreated the situation leading up to it: a party member changes spec while I'm in combat, causing PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED. But I'm still not getting that error.

Can you jump on my discord server and send me your Edit Mode profile and your Saved Variables file for this addon. https://discord.gg/7GcsXkjm


Thats also what I've narrowed it down to. Its inconsistent, though. Theres something more to it like changing edit mode profiles, maybe. I may just have to leave it with the suggestion to /reload after you change your loadout.