Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Is there a way to not have certain things move / become detached? Example - Target Cast Bar / Player Combo Points

daibosu opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Is there a way to not have certain things move / become detached? Example - Target Cast Bar / Player Combo Points?

Combo Points for example I have to manually put in position, but I would rather it be wherever / attached to whatever the default UI would have been. Clicking reset, just places the combo points for example on a random part of my screen.


Yup, just go into the addon options and disable that module!



Ah perfect that's what I was missing, kept trying to uncheck thing inside the edit UI menu. Thank you.


Unchecking inside the edit UI menu does the same thing as the other checkboxes in the base UI: it just stops it showing during edit mode!