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LFG button is tiny after reload

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Not a big deal but for a while now the LFG button has been tiny... if I reset IT in the EME UI it move bottom-right on my screen but goes back to normal size, at that point I move it to the usual spot on the minimap, but after the next reload/relog (hearthing didn't affect it) it goes small again and moves to the middle of the screen. In a quick test this happens even with just EME enabed so I don't think it's an add-on conflict. I have a 3440x1440 display in case that's somehow a factor.


Problems like this are usually caused by another addon trying to take control of the button. Does it happen with your other addons disabled?


I haven't been able to reproduce the issue of the LFG Button changing size - the size is supposed to be set by the Base UI via the options for the Menu:

However I did spot the issue of it moving around if you /reload while already queued for a dungeon. This should solve that.


Yes; even without any other add-ons loaded, if I Reset the LFG button, move it to the minimap, then /reload, it gets small and goes to the centre of the screen.


... I had no idea that Eye Size slider was in the Menu ... menu. I had it set to 50% so that would explain why it became small although it going large when Reset in EME is an oddity. Probably not worth doing anything about, though. Thanks much!