Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Request: Show frame only during mouseover

teelolws opened this issue ยท 4 comments

    What about an option that hides the frame but show it once you hover over it? Similar to the way Bartender do it?

Originally posted by @Nillx in #5 (comment)

Update: Won't be implemented. See other comments for alternatives!


Hey there. I made an addon which makes just that. Since i like EditModeExtended i also added the newly created frames to the mouseover fade options. You might want to take a look: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/blizzhudtweaks

It also provides options to fade based on different character states (in combat, out of combat, rested area, has target).


@PhenomDevel A couple things about what you've done

if IsAddOnLoaded("EditModeExpanded") then
  frameMapping["MicroButtonAndBagsBarMovable"] = MicroButtonAndBagsBarMovable
  frameMapping["EditModeExpandedBackpackBar"] = EditModeExpandedBackpackBar
  frameMapping["DurabilityFrame"] = DurabilityFrame
  frameMapping["VehicleSeatIndicator"] = VehicleSeatIndicator

Rather than IsAddOnLoaded, since EME is a library, I think a better check would be:

if LibStub and LibStub.libs["EditModeExpanded-1.0"] and MicroButtonAndBagsBarMovable and LibStub["EditModeExpanded-1.0"].IsRegistered and LibStub["EditModeExpanded-1.0"]:IsRegistered(MicroButtonAndBagsBarMovable) then

Not as nice as IsAddOnLoaded, but this way it should work with another addon that uses the EME library to handle the menu bar, such as Shadowlands Micro Menu https://github.com/teelolws/SLMicroMenu

I'll add that IsRegistered function in the next patch.

You shouldn't need to check for the existence of the Backpack bar as its creation is automatically done when the micro menu bar is registered.

Also, why do you register the durability frame and vehicle frame only if EME is running? Those frames exist even without EME. All I did was added the ability to move them.


thanks for the feedback.

I'll remove DurabilityFrame and VehicleSeatIndicator from the additional frames since like you mentioned they're default ui frames.

Also I'll use the LibStub functions to check for the existence of EME and use this to iterate the additional frames once the IsRegistered function is existing.

You shouldn't need to check for the existence of the Backpack bar as its creation is automatically done when the micro menu bar is registered.

Since the code might be very well used for another library i don't want to make assumptions about which frames is created automatically and which is not. I don't think it is much overhead and prevents any lua errors by mistake.


Well, I mean... if MicroButtonAndBagsBarMovable exists, and LibStub["EditModeExpanded-1.0"]:IsRegistered(MicroButtonAndBagsBarMovable) returns true, but EditModeExpandedBackpackBar has been created by some other addon, then I'm going to have bigger issues. Starting with why some other addon is using my variable name!