Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Achievement Frame Right of Center

pollixx opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When I use this addon, it seems that the achievement frame is right of center. When I use it in the default layout, achievements, loot, etc show perfectly in the center. However, when I adjust the achievement frame with the addon, I notice that when I get an achievement, loot, etc is left of center.

It seems that the movement of the frame works fine and the achievements, loot, etc appear fine until I do a /reloadui or logout and log back in. The achievement frame will stay where I move it, however, when an achievement or loot shows up then it is left of center.

Using the reset button, puts it back right of center but then achievements and loot appear centered. I hope my screenshots explain better than how I tried to explain this.

achievement default layout
achievement adjustment to center
display after adjustment


To help with positioning, I'm going to make it popup an achievement whenever you click the 20x20 dot:



Yeah the box you're seeing is just a rough guide. When you don't have any active loot or achievements to display, the frame shows as a tiny dot:


Its the little green square you can see just above my action bar. During Edit Mode, the addon increases it to 40px to look like this:


But I felt that was still too small and increased it to 300x80.

I realise now that can be confusing, as the 300x80 is a display only - the actual frame is saved at the Bottom Left corner as is its usual 5x5 size.

Do you think 20x20 will be less confusing? So it looks like this during Edit Mode:

Then an achievement pops up like this:


With the dot perfectly centered:


So you don't have to go and hunt for loot, use this to test it: /run AchievementAlertSystem:AddAlert(5394)


Thanks for the write up. I understand now. I think many people will be like me and have their OCD kick in and want the box to be centered and not to the right. So I think as long as the green dot can be centered and the box 20x20 or maybe 50x50 would help people know it is centered and not wondering why the box has to be on the right of center.


Thank you for this! Also your addon is a wonderful addition to the default UI experience. I like to keep it nice and simple and this addon does just that! Thank-you!